Monday 26 May 2014

Day 1 - Reflections

Before going to Taiwan, I heard about the slashing incident and all those tragic that happened. I am kind of worried at the start. But oh well, we can't simply avoid going overseas. I mean, life goes on no matter what, right? Besides, I heard that Taiwan is an interesting country and they have been really accepting towards most tourists. And I really want to feel the difference in the culture between Taiwan and Singapore. :D I used to find math useless because we don't exactly use them in our daily life. We don't use trigo in the supermarket, do we? :D

After a day in Taiwan, I felt so happy that I came for this trip. Everything have been pretty awesome so far. I like how Taiwan encourages recycling. For example, most stores here don't give plastic bags for free. You have to pay for every plastic bag you used. Also, the people here are really warm and nice. When we were roaming around at 淡水老街, a few people told us that we shouldn't be roaming around at this time and etc. These small acts of kindness really make my day. :D

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