Tuesday 27 May 2014

Day 2 - Reflections

I would define the high point as the memorable memory of the day. To me, the high point of my day is definitely the time I spent in Taipei 101. Taipei 101 is the world's second highest buildings. It is also one of the most stable building ever constructed. But what really interests me is the world fastest elevator. It travels at a speed of 1010m per minute which means we can reached the 89th floor in only 37 seconds. Equipped with the most advance high-tech components, they obtained the world record for being the fastest! Other than this fascinating lift, I can't help but wonder how a tall building like this can be build in an area that has frequent earthquakes. I heard that the way it is shaped actually helps it to build resistant against the vibrations during earthquakes. Also, to prevent movement due to strong wind, there is a damper suspended from the 92nd floor to the 87th floor. The damper reduced the intensity of the vibrations and thus, preventing any offset movement. At this point of time, I think math is pretty useful, even in real life. Without the background of math, I don't think Taipei 101 can even exists since it requires much accuracy. The background knowledge of math is indeed useful expect ally in the case of constructions. :)

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